Firefox Quantum Sprint Campaign is coming!

That is true, we are working on it, it will be ready into the week

for now we are thinking on 30 so we can cover all the events around the world, so that is a hard amount. If you need more though you need to justify why and we will evaluate per case

yes you can use facebook as well, whatever works in your region

Hey all, a quick note we renamed this to Firefox Quantum to match the new wording


This is Great, first thing first, hello everyone my name is Charles, Mozilla Campus Club Captain at University of Kisubi in Uganda East Africa. Could someone guide me on how to have a successful sprint, I had a discussion with the Clubbers and we agreed to help Mozilla all the way. we registered an event, here is the link to free tickets . Colleges feel free to guide so we can have a quality event. I downloaded Firefox Nightly for Starters. I have practiced filling bugs with different sites. Here is my Email in case of any other resources we can use. I thank you.

Hello Charles,
these are great news! You can find all the details on how to host your own event here:

Let us know if there are any questions regarding on the info there and I would happily reply to them.

Hey folks be careful of locking down your events to walled gardens like Facebook. Some potential guests might be blocked from being able to come! Another option we’ve used via Mozfest and Privacy Lab London is Tito, based in Dublin. Unlimited free use for all free events!

Hashtag to be edited inline with this?

that’s a good question, we’ve asked the social media team already and we are waiting to hear from them, hoping into the week.

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Awesome! Spotted a branding breadcrumb on the reporting page. Still states Firefox 57

good catch! Interested for a PR? :smiley:

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What is the time limit (in days) prior to the Firefox Quantum Sprint event for ordering Swag items?

Adding @kelimuttu response: “2 weeks before the event should be ok.”

Which is already passed or very nearly to passing by for most cases. So please add your swag request right now if you haven’t already!


According to this.
In my case, I had request swag using this form: (on page

Is that correct? Or I need to request the swag using Bugzilla? Help @mkohler

Absolutely correct. No worries :wink:

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Thank you @mkohler!! :blush:

@mkohler @couci Events that are scheduled for after 8th October, will they be supported with Swag and Budget Requests?

yes they will, however we can’t have any events after mid November where we have the launch of Firefox 57

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Here are some best practices about conducting an event. Thanks @irvin and @faisalaziz for the useful tips.

Remember, those are best practices meaning you don’t necessarily have to follow them but they are useful so you can conduct an event.


  1. Ask your attendees to bring their favorite websites in the event. As indicated in the website you can find the most used websites in Alexa. However, a good engagement move is to ask your attendees to have a list with them of their favorite websites. That way we are ensuring that they are testing things they are familiar with and love.
  2. Create a spreadsheet with popular websites. Some hosts reported that working all together in a pre populated spreadsheet with websites is easier for people to test.

During the event

  1. Explain to people why this is important. Talk a little bit about how the new Firefox has improved and the significance of the work attendees are gonna do during your event. Knowing why people are testing websites makes the activity more interesting. One example could be that somebody finds a crucial bug on a local website, but this affects other websites as well, and the Firefox team can fix it in Beta before we release it to millions of users.
  2. Show this interesting video on how to report
  3. Check your issue in another browser. Ask the attendees to check the website in another browser as well before they file an issue. If the website shows the same problem in another browser (Chrome is suggested as we compare against it) then it’s not a web-compatibility issue (basically our engineers can not fix it).
  4. Remind them to report so they can appear on the leaderboard. Reporting can be time consuming however is important in order to know how many websites we’ve tested. Plus, attendees have the chance to be in the leaderboard. Some hosts prefer to gather the websites tested and issues reported in a spreadsheet (see above). If you prefer to do that, don’t forget to send us the spreadsheet so we know about your work.