@andreip while I agree that Mitchell has been doing great job, and should be paid well for this, what I highly disagree with, is how she does it.
Why is Mozilla failing? Many reasons. Let me write lenghty post about it as I think its worth explaining. Bear in mind that its my point of view as someone who used Mozilla products in the past. I do not have any (business or other) ties with Mozilla. I also do force noone to share my point of view.
Well, the revenue ( at least good chunk of it) ended, you are correct, due to leadership. Due to Mozilla loosing this leadership in browsers world in favour of Google. Why? Because Mozila have history of making (strategically) bad decissions and taking absolutely no responsibility for this. When users voiced their concern after Mozilla implemented those decisions, there was always someone ( from leadership ) with some shitty answer that clearly showed that Mozilla lost touch with its users completely.
In recent years ( - 5 years back ) there has been no decision that wouldnt spark controversy and out-of-place treatment of users…
Recall all these dramas that Mozilla provoked with their decisions. Some dramas were more justified, some were less, but all of them had direct impact on the current Mozilla state.
And now, the recent one: layoffs: Mozilla said thats its due to saving on corporation’s running-costs. But at the same time, Baker (as a topmost of exec) has had her salary gone up… its egregious on two levels:
- pandemic crisis,
- cutting costs, right (?)
So, users lost patience and left… its normal behaviour… and this trend will continue unless either:
- Mozilla will disappear completely,
- Mozilla will
come to its senses
and perform ( sort-of ) starting over and somehow will convince users to switch-back.
Im not saying that Baker is all bad; she has good intentions with solid workmap, but I would do many things differently.