I’ve recently transitioned to using Firefox from chrome. I’ve run into an issue where I’ve displayed an angular js object to the console, but I’m unable to see all the properties I would normally in chrome. Mainly the “Invoke Property Getter” ones in chrome console.
Is there an option that would allow me to view the property getters in Firefox Web Console?
_directives: Array(3) [ {…}, {…}, {…} ]
form: Object { pristine: true, touched: false, status: “VALID”, … }
ngSubmit: Object { _isScalar: false, closed: false, isStopped: false, … }
submitted: true
: Object { constructor: NgForm(validators, asyncValidators), ngAfterViewInit: ngAfterViewInit(), formDirective: Getter, … }
NgForm {submitted: true, _directives: Array(3), ngSubmit: EventEmitter, form: FormGroup}
control: (…)
controls: (…)
dirty: (…)
disabled: (…)
enabled: (…)
errors: (…) <~ Missing in Firefox for me as an example
form: FormGroup {validator: null, asyncValidator: null, pristine: true, touched: false, _onCollectionChange: ƒ, …}
formDirective: (…)
invalid: (…)
ngSubmit: EventEmitter {_isScalar: false, observers: Array(1), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, …}
path: (…)
pending: (…)
pristine: (…)
status: (…)