Hi there.
I uploaded a WebExtensions addon that failed preliminary review. It has taken two months of refactoring and everything is done. I uploaded the new version and it queued me for a full review. It didn’t give me the option and I can not find a setting to change to preliminary.
Is this normal? Full review after a failed prelim?
Will the same reviewer process this new version?
Should I just keep it at full review?
My concerns:
This is a site specific addon and most functions can only be seen if logged in.
I did create a test account for the reviewer and put URL username/pass in the addon notes.
The length of time of full review process compared to prelim.
I will provide addon URL if needed.
Thanks in advance!
Well, that was simple. Thank you.
I feel a little foolish for even bringing it up. I should have done my homework.
It never crossed my mind that policy had changed… lol
Thanks again.
Thank you jorgev.
So… 2-5 days is the goal? Mine has been over a month…
Should I send amo an email or just wait it out?
EDIT: Actually, it may not be over a month. The date listed is over a month ago, but I’m unsure of exactly when I uploaded a new version after failed prelim…