Forced Full review after failed preliminary review?

Hi there.
I uploaded a WebExtensions addon that failed preliminary review. It has taken two months of refactoring and everything is done. I uploaded the new version and it queued me for a full review. It didn’t give me the option and I can not find a setting to change to preliminary.

  1. Is this normal? Full review after a failed prelim?
  2. Will the same reviewer process this new version?
  3. Should I just keep it at full review?

My concerns:

  • This is a site specific addon and most functions can only be seen if logged in.
    I did create a test account for the reviewer and put URL username/pass in the addon notes.
  • The length of time of full review process compared to prelim.

I will provide addon URL if needed.
Thanks in advance!

Preliminary reviews have been removed from the AMO. There is only Full Review now for everyone.

Well, that was simple. Thank you. :slight_smile:
I feel a little foolish for even bringing it up. I should have done my homework.
It never crossed my mind that policy had changed… lol
Thanks again.

Reference :slight_smile:

Thank you jorgev. :slight_smile:
So… 2-5 days is the goal? Mine has been over a month…
Should I send amo an email or just wait it out?

EDIT: Actually, it may not be over a month. The date listed is over a month ago, but I’m unsure of exactly when I uploaded a new version after failed prelim…

Give it some time, the queues are a bit slow at the moment. If you don’t hear from us soon, let me know which add-on you’re referring to.

Sure thing jorgev. #63 in the queue. I shall wait patiently… :wink: