This year, we can only sponsor a few reps for travel and accommodation.
Aside that, those who will be selected has to know that they will be
contributing at the booth, and accomplish a few goals that we will set
for this year. Metrics will be a fundamental part, filling that, we
would be able to invite more reps/mozillians next time. So it will be an
event with a high commitment level, and with some duties for the people
that will help at the booth.
Again, for budgeting reasons, we can only cover travel and accommodation
from reps from Europe. So if you are a rep from Belgium, France or
Holland (or other parts of Europe), and don’t need to be sponsored, you
can also add your name and help as a volunteer at the booth. This time,
we can only cover the travel and accommodation for 6 reps.
Please include your name, reps profile, and the information required. If
you have any doubt, feel free to reach me by email, IRC, or whatever
other channel.
Feel free to make any inquiry in this topic, or send me an email if you prefer (franc at mozilla dot com)
Hopefully this will be my 2nd! Last year was my first and it was so surreal. It’s a developers heaven and everyone is so nice. Got to talk to awesome projects I have respect for and informed so many on FirefoxOS.
Some quick updates regarding the call for volunteers:
Deadline: since we need to move forward and book flights, deadline
is this next Saturday 20th. 23:59 CEST
After that moment, we will not accept any other sign-up
Unfortunately we can only sponsor Reps from Europe to help on the
booth. Please note that, Reps from other regions will not be selected,
even if they are super actives, or has a lot of experience, or if they
were on previous FOSDEMs
The criteria for select volunteers for the booth will be:
Activity over the last 6 months (ideally, at least 3 events, related
Knowledge in any of these areas: Firefox OS, MDN, Developer tools,
Community Building
Expertise on Community building, or experience running a booth
Selected Reps will be contacted by Monday, and will be informed how
they have to book their flights.
Selected Reps that hasn’t booked their flights by December 31st, will be
automatically removed (they will receive an email informing this) and
another Rep (from the etherpad list), will be replacing him/her.
Again, if you need more info, or if it’s something unclear, feel free to
contact me by email, or IRC, or whatever you prefer (I accept Yammer too).
Time to announce the Reps that has been selected to help at the Booth this next FOSDEM.
This time we can only cover travel and accommodation for 6 Reps from Europe.
To inform you as clear as possible:
From the 25 persons that signed up, only 17 were From Europe.
From those 17, 3 are from the French/Belgian Community (Flore,
Sebastien, and Monique, that I will send them an email later to explain
next steps), and they indicate that they don’t need travel.
So from those 14, we had to choose according to the criteria proposed
(Activity, Area of Expertise, and Expertise on Community building and running a booth). The idea was to be as fair as possible, and try to invite people that could bring expertise in their areas, and help us run a booth successfully, with a clear outcome.
Unfortunately, we can only invite 6 Reps (wish we could invite the 14 for next time). The selected Reps are:
Ioana Chiorean
Soumya Chakraborty
Stephen Murphy
István Szmozsánszky (flaki)
Christos Bacharakis
Giannis Konstantinidis
You will receive an email from me later today, about how to book your flight and information about the hotel.
Thanks to all Reps for your efforts and patience with this process. In case that someone wants to ask more about how we decided this, or wants to propose other criterias for selecting Reps, please ping me by email, to avoid noise in this mailing list.
I am glad we have at least one Womoz between those 6 accepted ( + @r_HN42fyO-WKqJJnvvAS8F-w and @webatou, @monique) Congrats to all!
As mentioned on Telegram my new motto is:
“Metrics - I will dream metrics
Impact - I will breath impact”