FVD speed dial stopped working

please fix it pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeee :triumph:

Yeah this is a boneheaded decision. To disable a plugin without giving the option to manually re-enable it. Like seriously, what were they thinking?

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In 2020, we became aware that the developer of the FVD add-on had begun intercepting search queries that were being sent to a third-party search provider, in clear violation of the Mozilla Add-ons Policies. After a repeated violation we again explicitly told them under which circumstances this type of data collection is not acceptable. At the time, the developer disabled the feature, and we continued to host FVD Speed Dial.

Recently we have become aware that the developer has re-enabled the offending functionality, which remains in violation of AMO policy. In light of these repeated offenses, we have blocked this addon.

While we regret the impact that this has had on some of our users, we believe that our commitments to user safety and the importance of user trust in Firefox and its surrounding ecosystem have obligated us to take this action, and we stand by this decision.

  • Mike Hoye on behalf of the AMO team.