Gather information/data about where Reps are more active - Report

Hello everyone! :smile:

During the work to achieve our goals for the first semester we had to gather some information to validate where Reps are more active. The results of this work is shared bellow:


From the information gathered our best channels to communicate with reps are the Discourse, and Reps Room at Matrix. When we update the information about Mozilla’s goals those channels must receive the update as soon as possible.


The method here was to check the last four Reps Weekly Call Announcements to check the number of visualizations. This is not an exact number of Reps who accessed but helps us to find a average. Another info that I added here was three specific Discourse topics about important notifications because in this situation the visualization grows a lot.

Right now (2020-April-03) we have 217 Reps listed in the Reps Portal, if we look at those numbers we have 32% views on Reps Weekly Call announcement, and we have 79% of views in “big” announcements. But this is not a piece of perfect information, because those numbers are from general visualizations and not for unique views, so probably we may consider that we have around 35% of Reps reading the topics at Discourse (at least during the last two months).


In theory, we will have all the Reps in the Matrix Reps room. We have more than 140 users at the room, It’s not possible to get the exact number of message visualizations, so we don’t have exact numbers for the Matrix channel.

Reps Weekly Call

We looked at the last six weekly calls to check the number of attendants and the number of people who signed the meeting notes, in the second part we looked at the number of views from AirMozilla and Youtube. The numbers of meeting notes and the Reps portal attendance are really close, so we will consider only the number from the Reps Portal.

Date Reps Portal attendance
ReMo Call 02-04-20 13
ReMo Call 26-03-20 18
ReMo Call 19-03-20 22
ReMo Call 12-03-20 26
ReMo Call 05-03-20 17
ReMo Call 27-02-20 18
Average attendance 19

In the next table we have the data about views at Airmo and Youtube, we can check the number of unique views, but we can take a look at the general numbers.

Date Air Mozilla views Youtube Views
ReMo Call 02-04-20 29 55
ReMo Call 26-03-20 19 37
ReMo Call 19-03-20 15 37
ReMo Call 12-03-20 28 47
ReMo Call 05-03-20 14 33
ReMo Call 27-02-20 22 34
Average views 21 40.5

If you have any suggestions about those findings you can check the entire document here in this issue: O2KR1:M1: Gather information/data about where Reps are more active · Issue #401 · mozilla/Reps · GitHub

On behalf of the Council

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