Gathering country data from (Needs help)


There is a volunteer opportunity to help the participation team with country profiles data and dashboard we are tailoring.

We need someone to play with API here:


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I just created a Repo for this on Github:

I created a few initial issues exploring the possible user stories.

We just created a Telegram group for this. Ping either me, @alakatos or Towaha for access since sharing an invite link here might turn out quite ugly.

And since I know that the question will come up, why Telegram and not IRC? Scrollback and not everybody has an IRC bouncer to read back in the history.

I have a hard enough time with people using Telegram for social, but ok let them to it. However using Telegram for work that excludes people who dislike the platform, I am strongly opposed to. It’s not just a matter of UX, it’s that it requires signing up with a phone number, and the security is questionable, which leads to potential privacy issues.

Async work shouldn’t be done on a synchronous platform anyway - it should be done somewhere like here, and in etherpads where it’s much easier to filter out the noise - but a logbot can solve the issue of lack of scrollback/bouncer.

I Have made a Django App which would make the work done! Just tested with the Public API. Waiting for the Elevated Keys for running it in full swing.
Here is the source: