General Architecture

This is an item on the meeting notes under modules and projects:

“General Architecture(DNS, LDAP, Git etc) - To be worked on”

Should this still be on the agenda? Are we working on any of these general architecture items? Should we be?

LDAP seems like a waste of time. We can just go for passwordless sudo.

DNS, I never understood a need for this.

Git, again, never understood a need.

Maybe someone could explain DNS and Git some more, and why we needed it?

I think we discussed moving Git in-house (possibly with GitLab) because GitHub doesn’t have an SLA. I don’t think that’s extremely high-priority, though. MoFo stores its Puppet manifests on GitHub, no?

I wouldn’t be opposed to using Git for version control of config files that aren’t in GitHub. No need for GitLab, or anything publicly-accessible.

Actually, yeah, Phabricator can track Git repositories graphically, so all we’d need is git’s server component.

I’m not sure how to answer your question on DNS. I’m sure you know why you need DNS.

I think the ask was some method to host/update DNS but that’s also been moved over to Route53 IIRC.

At one time Will was talking about setting up an internal DNS server, rather than just having a big hosts file. I believe this is what tad was talking about.