I am working on creating a speech to text engine for Urdu (Pakistani national language). I am using DeepSpeech 0.9.1 and followed the instructions in the documentation.
I am running the following command when working with the language model:
./generate_scorer_package --alphabet /content/gdrive/MyDrive/dataset/Urdualphabet.txt --lm lm.binary --package kenlm.scorer --default_alpha 0.931289039105002 --default_beta 1.1834137581510284 --vocab vocab-500000.txt
The output I am getting is:
500000 unique words read from vocabulary file. Doesn't look like a character based (Bytes Are All You Need) model. --force_bytes_output_mode was not specified, using value infered from vocabulary contents: false Invalid label 0
Can someone please advise what I need to change? The vocabulary was generated successfully.
I tried with --force_bytes_output checked but the documentation says it is for a different purpose. Is there a flag for utf-8? I could not find anything referring to that in the documentation.
Thank you.