I have developed a privately listed web-extension that is the frontend component of a webscraping app. I’m using a fork of the mozilla/gecko-dev/…/marionette_client to start a new server session and then install my addons. My problem is that after calling the Addon:Install api method, the addon UUID generated by firefox is not returned by the api. I need the UUID as it is applied to the addon URL which must be known to my websocket server, so it can be accepted as a valid CORS origin. Is there a marionette client or firefox browser api for querying the UUID of an addon? The required parameter of this query I suppose would be the addon id, which is a required property of the manifest.json => “browser_specific_settings:gecko:id”
Does the extension set the origin to the “public” ID in the manifest or to the “private” UUID unique to the new installation?
An extension can learn its own UUID by parsing the URL returned by runtime.getURL(). Maybe the extension can POST that to the server in some reasonably secure manner?
Hi jscher2000
Thanks for your excellent suggestion, I totally agree !
I’ve got it coded up right now and about to test