Get started with Firefox extension development

Extensions provide a simple and powerful way to personalize your browsing experience. If you know JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, you can build your own.

If you are brand-new to add-on development, you can get started by checking the tutorial for building your first extension. Once you understand how extension files are put together, you can explore other extension examples, or create your own extension using our reference documentation and helpful development tips.

If there are any extension development topics you would like to learn more about, let us know!


New devs could also might also be interested in browsing the source code of existing extensions. I am currently working on a tool to do just that in the browser:


I was able to find quite a lot of material on the topic of developing a regular add-on. But when loading into AMO, I noticed the checkbox “compatible with mobile version”…

And then I discovered that i can’t find ANY material anywhere that would help me figure out how to check compatibility with mobile Firefox.

It would be nice to add at least some links to the official docks, don’t you think?


Hi Guys, I would not know how to begin. May I ask? With an extension on another browser that once a user login, they can highlight and or copy just outline the article or content and that exact article and or content is added to their reading list in grid like fashion until they have the time to read it, it also assists other readers interested in similar topics. Basically we are all helping each other find content worth reading. I am not into changing a monthly fee but was hoping to find a few souls who like reading but may be a little on the spectrum. In other words I find great content but whatever I try it always end up getting more lost than it was prior to me finding it? Thanks S

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