Getting `"/background/scripts" is a required property` when submitting an extension

The validation result states that “/background/scripts” is a required property, but my extension doesn’t need background scripts/pages.

The MDN doc states clearly that backaground is not mandatory.

I’ve also tried setting

  "background": {
      "scripts": []

but it also gets the same warning as above.

I’ve already submittted the extension to Chrome Web Store without a problem, and this warning from AMO validator is really frustrating. Either the MDN document or the AMO validator is wrong.

Please provide the source code of the file for checking.

If your extension does not require any background page/script, please make sure don’t provide the “background”.

Thanks! That was the case - the problem was caused by

  background: {}

which was copied from a boilerplate and having it’s contents removed.

Removing the key “background” solved the problem. Hope the error message could be more helpful in the future. Thank you for your help!

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