Getting "Scripts are blocked internally" error in my extension intermittently

I’m developing an extension background script that listens for changes to a particular url open in a tab.

chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
    console.log("Title detected as " + tab.title + "  changeInfo.status = " + changeInfo.status);
    if( {
        console.log("Tab is active!");

The problem I’m having is that most of the time, the following error is thrown in the debugger console and none of the output logged above shows up:

https://<<site_URL>> : Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally. (unknown)

Although, the rest of the time when the tab is updated (ex. title changed) it works perfectly. I have these permissions in my manifest.json:

      "permissions": [

The error message is not descriptive at all as to what the actual problem is, and I’ve been hard pressed to find any more information. Is there anywhere else I can look to get more details on this error? Or anyone have any ideas as to what I might be missing?

EDIT: I’m using Firefox ESR 52.5.2 (64-bit)

Can you reproduce the problem reliably both in ESR and Firefox 57?

I can reproduce fairly reliably in ESR, but it seems I can’t reproduce it in Firefox 57.0.2.

Hmm. So I don’t know what the bug could be, but it sounds like it was fixed since version 52. And given that ESR only takes important security fixes, I doubt this will be fixed just for ESR. You can try filing a bug report, however.