Is there an add-on or extension that will tell me when someone has opened/read a Gmail message that I sent?
I don’t know of any add-on that does this. It would require to have the add-on installed both in the sender’s and recipient’s Firefox, however, which makes things trickier.
There’s one for Gmail with Chrome, and it works for any recipient email -
doesn’t have to be Gmail.
I guess one way to do it would be to embed an image or tracking pixel in the message, but that would stand on shaky ground when it comes to user privacy. But that’s just speculation on my part as to how it works.
There’s this small “framework” called gmail.js, you can inlay this with a contentScript and get this info IF the other user has the addon installed:
I think that above wont work because the revier won’t have your addon installed necessarily.
The image idea is cool, but by default gmail blocks image loading. There has to be some way.
Not only images are not always displayed, but they are also fetched and cached when the folder is loaded in the webmail.
In that case you will get a hit on the image before the image is actually displayed to the recipient.
Moreover using 1pix images is said to be a malus for the anti-spam filters.
background-image are supported in all major webmails. You need to check if they’re also pre-fetched and cached.
Good to know - thanks.
I guess the answer is just no.
Wow very interesting! So background-images are not blocked? But by default non-html is displayed right? And user has to click to enable html view?