Good job!... :/

Mozilla account. Login to restore Firefox settings. 2FA. Code via mail. Waiting… 5 mins, 10, 15… Great, in inbox!.. Grrr code validity 5 mins - expired. I try login about 24hrs without success…

How remove entries from address bar? Before i select and click delete key. Now not work.

When reinstall sofrware e.g. in router, and when i open the same IP with other software i cannot login second time from firefox, because firefox know better (http or https), cannot fresh load again by shift+f5, persistently switches to what was loaded first and now not exist.

Just a few years ago the browser stood out because it just worked, now problems bigger than chrome…

If they are entries from your browsing history, press Shift+Delete.

If they are “Top Sites” that appear when you click in the address bar, before you type any text for Firefox to match, those are from the Shortcuts section of the built-in Firefox Home / new tab page and would need to be removed individually from that page. See: Customize items on your Firefox New Tab page | Firefox Help

I don’t understand what are you changing. To bypass cached pages with the address shown in the address bar, try:

  • Shift+click the Reload button on the toolbar
  • Ctrl+Shift+R
  • Ctrl+F5

If the problem is that you need to end a session on the server by removing the site’s cookies in Firefox, click the lock icon, then at the bottom of the panel, “Clear cookies and site data…”

If the problem is that you need to re-trigger basic authentication, I think it would be simplest to exit/quit Firefox and start it up again. But someone might know another method.

Thanks for answer and sorry for my not nice first post…

Shift+Delete not work. I still have a lot entries in address bar which i used even once after a fresh install. And not replaced by most recent pages.

Shift+click the Reload button on the toolbar

I’ll try a lot more combinations - this not work. I reinstall a lot software in routers/servers, a lot of them use one ip address. I cannot use firefox for this. Because e.g. one have https in link and firefox like stupid cow still switch to https, no way to manually enter http. In router firmwares - when one time i look menu, second time firefox not see new/refreshed addresses - still try open first time opened links. Only way is fresh install or clear ALL history.

I think developers (because I certainly do) get white fever at this kind of browser behavior. This caching/helper options is bad, i need to disable this - but in documentation i cannot find nothing about. Maybye good way is disabling any caching/helpers for private address spaces?

Maybe some of the software instructed Firefox never to use HTTP (“Strict Transport Security”).

Here’s another idea to flush data just for that IP address:

In the Library window (all history), right-click a history item for that address, and choose “Forget About This Site”. That should do a pretty deep flush.

Or you could consider using only private windows for accessing your router to minimize retained data.

Thanks. That’s idea. I’ll try next time. But i not have control what software send to Firefox. Buggy Chrome works much better with much less strange behavior like in Firefox.
But what with login to sync? Still i receive expired code.

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Im affraid that sync is broken beyond repair…

Ok, thanks. Next reason to not trust any service which is not self hosted… Your data is… gone. Yes - i have backup of important data, but that’s not the purpose of any online service. Developers add not needed or not working functions (like crappy themes or plugins used by 3 peoples) where basic finctionality used by most not working propertly. That’s sad…
The old firefox didn’t have a lot of features, but plugins made it accessible for any application, basic functionality worked well and without problems. Now some features from plugins are integrated in the browser and you can’t replace or remove them, and thus the whole browser works worse and worse. This seems to be the road to disaster…