Greetings from Alsacien team + question on Französisch Deutsch


Forgive me for not writing in English, let’s say meine Deutsch ist sehr nich gut.

We’re a research team currently looking into starting a Common Voice campaign for Alsacien. It’s a language very close to German, spoken in Eastern France, including most notably Strasburg. I just wanted to make the German team aware of our work, since Alsacien is close enough to German that it can be considered a variant of German by some. We don’t want to accidentally have Alsacien both in the variants of German and as its own language.

I’ve taken a look at the varieties of German available currently. There is a “Französisch Deutsch” so I wondered if it’s meant to be a French accent of standard German sentences, or if you have specific sentences for that. In the second case, that could be Alsacien.

For reference, you can hear some Alsacien here (after the French intro) :

If you want more info about our project, we have a website here :

Have a good day everyone