Grid Skill Test Assessment

I need an assessment of the Grid Skill Test Material below:

See my try below:

Thanks in advance.

Hi @mikoMK, can you please assess this task if possible? It’s been a week, is there any problem? Please let me know. Thanks.

Hi @umarFaruq

I’m sorry for the long wait. The thing is, I’m just a volunteer and sometimes my work and private life is a bit busy. :sweat_smile:

But now let’s go to your exercises:
All four tasks are perfectly solved. I have an additional question to the additional question of task 2 :slightly_smiling_face:: You used the best solution by applying order: 1; Can you still think of another property that would do the same?

Have a nice day,

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Hi @mikoMK,
Extremely sorry for your inconvenience and for my late reply. I was a bit worried about not being assessed by anyone and I was in a trouble in the meantime.

As per your suggestion, I’ve updated the code and added another property (z-index to be exact) that does the same. Am I right or not, please bear a second look when possible and let me know.

Thanks for your help. Keep up the great work, sir. It means a lot to us.

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All good, no problem. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, that’s correct.
Just to be clear: order: 1; which you used in your initial answer is the better solution, because it’s the “grid way” to handle what comes first. z-index is a general solution that existed for a long time in CSS. It’s just an alternative.

Thank you for the kind words. It means a lot to me. :blush:

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Yes, I got it. Thanks :slight_smile:

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