Happy BMO Push Day! (20220202.1)


the following changes have been pushed to bugzilla.mozilla.org:

  • [1751090] Exiting subroutine via next at /app/extensions/PhabBugz/Extension.pm line 71.
  • [1749479] Add "regression" keyword and set "Has Regression Range" to "yes" on all bugs with a non-empty "Regressed By" field
  • [1752918] Remove duplicate column names in buglist.cgi
  • [1751596] Use of uninitialized value $component in string ne at /app/extensions/BMO/Extension.pm line 2266.
  • [1751597] DBD::mysql::db do failed: Column 'method' cannot be null [for Statement "INSERT INTO user_request_log
  • [1751601] Bugzilla::User->visible_bugs causes fatal error if one of the bug ids passed is an alias and not a bug id
discuss these changes in the Firefox Tooling Discourse.