Help for Cascade skill test 1

Help for Cascade skill test 1
In this task, I need to use one of the special values I looked at in the Controlling Inheritance
section to write a declaration in a new rule that will reset the background color back to white, without using an actual color value.

I’m new here please help.
Reference to codepen

Hi @BAH12 and welcome to the community :wave:

There are two things you need to do to complete this task:

  1. You need to write a selector for the a element which is more specific than the selector used to turn the background blue. This can be achieved by using two id selectors.
  2. In this task any of the four special values (inherit, initial, unset and revert) will work.

I hope these hints will help you getting further. If you need any more help feel free to ask :blush:

Have a nice day,

Thank you very @mikoMK, I really appreciate it a lot

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