Please I will ask that I get an idea of what I can do to rectify this code because my output is giving me ‘undefined:undefined’ when I try to get the name and number from the conditional statement. Here is my code and output images.
hi @segunthecanvas!
I’m happy to review your code, but please can you put it into a live editor app like CodePen or JSFiddle, can I can see it live and play with it? This will make it much easier for me to review and debug it.
thank you very much here it is
@segunthecanvas the link you gave me doesn’t link to a specific codepen example. Can you try again?
Discourse sometimes does weird things with links, so it is probably not your fault.
Try removing the .textContents from within the "newName.textContent + ‘:’ + newNumber.textContent;, such as…
para.textContent = newName + ‘:’ + newNumber;
You have already created variables for the pairs within phonebook so in this case, textContent is looking for text but finding only a variable - that’s my understanding.
Hi, can anyone tell me why my code doesnt work when using a ‘for’ loop or a ‘while’ loop? Really confused with these loops.
Hi @vddroid!
Looking at your code, you had everything right in this example, except for one thing. Once the correct name is found, and the name and number are then printed to the paragraph, you then need to break out of the loop, otherwise it just continues looping through all the other array items, and eventually prints the “No name found” message to the paragraph because it gets to the end of the array.
So to do this, you would add the break
statement like so:
if (phonebook[i].name === name) {
para.textContent = `${phonebook[i].name}'s number is ${phonebook[i].number}`;
Also, you probably don’t need else if
here. You could simply the if
statment block to
if (phonebook[i].name === name) {
para.textContent = `${phonebook[i].name}'s number is ${phonebook[i].number}`;
} else {
para.textContent = "No name found.";
Thank you, forgot about the break;
Hi, Chris & vddroid.
I’ve followed the course and so far I haven’t seen this kind of array with fields anywhere, where are they explained?
Hi @opuskill! By “array with fields”, do you mean things like phonebook[i].name
This is basically just shorthand for accessing an array element that contains a JS object. So for example:
let phonebook = [
{ name : 'Chris', number : '1549' },
{ name : 'Li Kang', number : '9634' },
{ name : 'Anne', number : '9065' },
{ name : 'Francesca', number : '3001' },
{ name : 'Mustafa', number : '6888' },
{ name : 'Tina', number : '4312' },
{ name : 'Bert', number : '7780' },
{ name : 'Jada', number : '2282' },
would be equal to { name : 'Chris', number : '1549' }
To return “Chris”, we could do phonebook[0].name — accessing the name property of the object stored at array index 0.
Hi, Chris.
Yes, that’s what I meant. This array is a “normal” array? Are they built the same way of others?
Thanks for the answer and excuse me for insist. Regards.
@opuskill Yes — this is a normal array; it is just that the value at each array index is an object.
Always happy to answer questions!
I can propose my solution:
while (i < phonebook.length) {
let myObject = phonebook[i];
let myArray = Object.values(myObject);
if (myArray[0] === name) {
para.textContent = `${myArray[0]}: ${myArray[1]}.`;
para.textContent = `Sorry, we dont found the name.`;
Hello teacher I’m new here, pls help me with my code…
First I tried for loop, it works well, then I tried while loop, I’m not sure how it supposed to work
here is the link:
Thanks a lot!
@ThreeTwoBeats hi there!
I am a little bit confused — this code seems to work fine, so what is the question here?
The only bit of feedback I have is that it seems strange that you are generating all the DOM elements with JS, when you could just use HTML and save yourself a lot of code. But I guess you are experimenting, and that’s fine for now.
@chrisdavidmills Hi, thanks for replying! Well, the name can only be searched starts from the front to the back, if I want to search by the opposite way it doesn’t work anymore.
The reason I generating all the DOM elements with JS is because I thought I can only adding codes under the javascript section below the comments line.
Hello, i need help here too:
in the console it works fine, Mustafa shows up, but its not added to para.textContent from the the loop to see on the website then!?
for(i = 0; i <= phonebook.length; i++){
if(phonebook[i].name === name){
console.log(phonebook[i].name + ': ' + phonebook[i].number);
para.textContent = phonebook[i].name + ': ' + phonebook[i].number;
} else {
para.textContent = 'Contact not found.';
hello!! i found the solution: i added a ‘break;’ before the else statement! now it shows Mustafa and the Number on the site, phew! test done!!!
but why is the break; so important here? i thought the loop iterates through the whole phonebook, if it finds a match it adds it to the site, then it goes further through, the book and the else statement is only there to test if something goes wrong, not for the user rather than me as programmer!? why do we need the break here?
and one more thing if i want to test now what happens if i delete Mustafa in the phonebook, i need to add a break in the else statement too, to show contact not found. is my code the wrong approach to this?
for(i = 0; i <= phonebook.length; i++){
if(phonebook[i].name === name){
console.log(phonebook[i].name + ': ' + phonebook[i].number);
para.textContent = phonebook[i].name + ': ' + phonebook[i].number;
} else {
para.textContent = 'Contact not found.';
Hi, thanks for replying! Well, the name can only be searched starts from the front to the back, if I want to search by the opposite way it doesn’t work anymore.
I think that’s OK for this demo.