@amo Thanks for your post and welcome to Common Voice project.
I’m a Kabyle from Algeria and I’m actively working on the Kabyle voice corpus but also on the French one from time to time since the beginning. I also contribute on localization since years.
In Kabylia, we also speak French and we have our own accent but we didn’t developed a local French language with our own words or our own grammar rules (morphology, syntax, phonetics/phonology, sentence structure…). We have our own french accent. For example, we mostly don’t pronounce “r” as it pronounced in Île-de-France and some other changing mostly in phonology. But we use the same words and same rules used by French speaking people in France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, North Africa, …and I can understand people speaking French even those from Mali, Niger, Senegal and Quebec too!!!
When there is no intercomprehension, there are different languages.
Once, I asked a linguist to figure me out the difference between a dialect and a language and here is his answer: A dialect is a language that has no state or army. So, for experts, a spoken language which, politically, is defined as a dialect, it’s really a language to linguists.
I prefer words like “variante régionale”, “parler régionale” when speaking about accents…
You can find all codified languages in the world on Ethnologue website (for Picard: https://www.ethnologue.com/language/pcd).
While accents deal with a variation in pronunciation and sounds, dialects deal really with languages that have their own rules. The rules can be inherited from a language family, a macro language or a “brother” language.
We’d like see Picard on Common Voice as Breton, Occitan, Corse, Normand, …
Because, Common Voice is the most open, free and the most largest Voice Database in the world. Common Voice deals with people real languages. It gives a chance to save minor/threatened languages around the world and more!!!
I’d like to see Picard on GPS tools. I’d like to command my computer in Picard. I’d like to command all connected object in Picard and in Kabyle too. 
Behind Common Voice, there are other tech projects (Deep Speech, TTS and others) and why not take advantage from them? these tech projects will use CV voice data to generate voice models for these languages. If we can get these voice models, we can use them on tools managing voice: GPS, Voice assistants on Pcs, voice typing, voice translation, video subtitling…
I encourage you to add Picard and We are here to give you help every time you need it. You just have to gather people to localize and collect sentences in Picard language.
I hope I can see Picard on CV as soon as possible.