We need your help!
MDN is changing. For a long time MDN has been the same experience for everyone, but developers aren’t all the same and we want MDN to adjust to our users. Over the last few months we’ve been working hard to implement a new MDN frontend to offer people a customized MDN experience while still providing a fast page load time, whether people are logged in or not. Our previous implementation wasn’t able to support that and had dependencies on some rather old jQuery and jQuery UI versions.
MDN supports two modes: editing and viewing. Almost all users of MDN use the viewing mode, only a small fraction use the editing mode. As part of this rewrite we broke those two use cases into different domains. The editing is now done on wiki.developer.mozilla.org the viewing on beta.developer.mozilla.org.
The biggest benefit of a new frontend will be felt by end users, so that’s where we focused our efforts. Once our testing is complete, we’ll decommission beta.developer.mozilla.org and have everyone use the new frontend. The editing on the other hand will continue to be served by the old frontend on wiki.developer.mozilla.org.
Now we need your help to make sure our new front-end is ready to be turned on for all users. Please change your bookmarks and start using beta.developer.mozilla.org as your daily reference and guide page and report any issue that you notice.
You can file a bug, reply to this post, or message me on Twitter. We’ll triage bugs daily during our beta phase.
Many thanks!