Help wanted for Conditionals 2 skill test

Hello. I am trying to figure out how to add a conditional that displays the message for the user to turn the machine on. I have linked below what I have so far:

The assignment link is the following:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there @djkamar411! Welcome to the community, and thanks for sending your code in.

This is nearly perfect; you just needed to include and else clause so that a message is shown whether machineActive is false or true.

Something like this would be fine:

if (machineActive) {
    if (score < 0 || score > 100) {
      response = 'This is not possible, an error has occured.';
    } else if (score >= 0 && score <= 19) {
     response = 'That was a terrible score - total fail!';
    } else if (score >= 20 && score <= 39) {
     response = 'You know some things, but it\'s a pretty bad score. Needs improvement.';
    } else if (score >=40 && score <= 69) {
     response = 'You did a passable job, not bad!';
    } else if (score >= 70 && score <= 89) {
     response = 'That\'s a great score, you really know your stuff.'; 
    } else {
     response = 'What an amazing score! Did you cheat? Are you for real?';  
} else {
  response = 'Turn the machine on to process your score';

Thanks so much! Will definitely ask for more help if I get stuck again.