I created some time ago a pontoon app to translate my tools. I like how it works so I’m seeing with my colleagues how to implement it on our own servers. This app is sleeping for weeks now and it tranlates 3 tests repositories for a grand total of 183 strings.
This morning I received this email from Heroku:
The database DATABASE_URL on Heroku app sepal-ui-translation is approaching its allocated storage capacity.
The database contains 7,490 rows. The Hobby-dev plan allows a maximum of 10,000 rows. If the databases exceeds 10,000 rows then INSERT privileges will be revoked, preventing more data from being written. INSERT privileges are automatically reinstated if rows are removed and the database once again complies with the plan limit.
How is it possible that I use so many lines in my database even though I’m storing so few strings and 3 users ?
If there is cache in the database can it be flushed ?