How can I download my signed addon from the Developer Hub?

I’ve lost the xpi of my (self distributed) addon and would like to get a new signed copy.


Got to “Edit Product Page” then select “Manage Status & Versions”. Select the version you want to download in the list. You should then see a link to download the XPI at the top of the page in the “Files” section.

That’s it.
Thank You.

Hey there! I’m a new Firefox add on developer. I made one extension for my School and I want distribute it.

Firefox team told me that I can’t distribute in AMO because my extension is for a specific group of people.

How can I do?? Should I sing my Firefox Extension and send the file? How can I do that?

I have an signed version for my firefox extension but I can’t download the .xpi file, when I click over the .xpi link, Firefox try to install it in my browser.

I’m really stuck :confused:

Please Help me!!

Hi @maas and welcome to the community :wave:

I’m not a extension developer, but if you have a link to the .xpi file can’t you just right click the link and select “Save target as…”?

I hope that helps!

Hey @mikoMK Michel, thanks for answer.

And… THANKS A LOT… I was really stuck and stressed but I never tried the easy way haha.


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Sometimes we just need to take a step back to see the simple solutions :grin:

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haha True mate!!

Thanks a lot!!

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