Where is some method to delete item from storage.local? I tried StorageArea.remove but this one freezed debugger.
Did you try storage.local.remove(key), as described at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/Storage/StorageArea/remove?
Finally I have managed it, this works:
Yes I tried StorageArea.remove but that one cause by Debugger exited the
script (script stopped working). I mean, if I used it, the result was that there were no messages in console, because the script does not work at all. I cannot use StorageArea.remove. But I use the chrome.storage.local.remove and this one works with no problems.
Yet I did not followed the syntax which is there, so it was the mistake I did. I used StorageArea.remove and that is wrong.
Dne 12.7.2016 20:43, Bob Silverberg napsal(a):