My understanding is that Module Peers and Owner have been less involved in running or having oversight of the program today then in the past? Are the module owner and peers relevant to our governance anymore?
How can they play a bigger role in mentoring the council and providing oversight?
Benjamin, as we discussed at ReMoCamp with all the mentors including you the module owner and the peers play a very important role for the Reps program. That was one of the key outcomes of ReMoCamp.
We documented everything in the wiki:
You might not “see” or “hear” the module owner or the peers too often but they are fulfilling their role.
I was told the module owner asked peers to be hands off and let council and program to some degree do its own thing. That peer said they would like to be move involved but that was the directive they were given.
The council is the democratically elected body and it should fulfill its functions without too much intervention in the day to day from peers or module owner. Otherwise the peers and module owner would be de facto also council members. Their role is to oversee the work of the council and keep it accountable without getting involved in the day to day. That is why peers are asked to be “hands-off”, which doesn’t mean that they are not actively involved in their monitoring function.