How long does it usually take for a submission to get approved?

It has been a few days now. Its an extension to help my students with assignments. With exams getting close, the tool is losing its value

Hello @rawfiul, if you provide your extension ID I can check on your submission. The short answer is it depends on how many submissions we have in our review queue.

Thanks – Ed

  1. hey my add-on ID : {bfd497b6-e9c1-488e-a8fd-8417bf5b2e6f} was rejected because the use-case for my add-on is limited to only my students (specific to the college portal) which is understandable. I uploaded a self hosted version now and its awaiting review.

  2. Another add-on ID {0a57bfe6-e0f2-41ff-9e67-791696d02785} is waiting for approval

It looks like the unlisted version you submitted has been approved.

Your other add-on is in the review queue.

Hey @Edward_Sullivan

my submissions {0a57bfe6-e0f2-41ff-9e67-791696d02785} and {bfd497b6-e9c1-488e-a8fd-8417bf5b2e6f} were rejected for AMO stating “Content, specifically Closed user group: Due to the limited/non-public audience of this add-on”.

While it is true that my add-ons will only really help my students but my students are the people enrolled in the online BS degree program offered by Indian Institute of Tech Madras (IITM) which has over 50k students enrolled.

These add-ons will get more traction than a lot of add-ons that gets approved and gets lost in the wild.

I have mentioned this point as a reply to the rejection review.

Whats the usual procedure here ?

On my side it looks like you submitted 2 versions for each extension you referenced – one hosted on AMO and one not. For each extension, the versions submitted to host on AMO were rejected due to the closed nature of the extension, but the versions submitted that are not hosted on AMO (v3 for both) were both approved.

Are you not seeing the same?

okay so review for AMO took about 24 hrs, after rejection with “Closed/limited userbase”, the self hosted review took 10 mins (it was automated).

So just to confirm, are you all good now?

Regarding the review taking 24 hours, that time can be variable as it is based on many factors such as the number of submissions in the review queue.