How long does model training take

How long did it take to model training for version 0.7? (the model that is provided here is

That highly depends on your hardware. Please be more specific in what you intend to train on.

Iā€™m interested in how much time you spent on the pre-trained model?

a server with 8 Quadro RTX 6000 GPUs each with 24GB of VRAM

The various phases of training were described here all made use of 8 Quadro RTX 6000 GPUs

  • The first phase took approx 6 days
  • The second phase took approx 5 days
  • The third phase took approx 4 days

For optimization of the alpha + beta parameters it was about 6 days of compute, but only using a single RTX 6000.

So in sum total about 21 days.


Thanks for the information provided.