How should I ensure messages are coming from my own extension in my content scripts. I am talking about when using browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener.
Do I just hardcheck the sender id against my own? Or is there a way to programmatically get my own extensions id from the content script? Or another way.
A longer answer and to expand on what @juraj.masiar said:
When sending messages, you can use runtime.sendMessage() to send them to any extension based on its id:
Sends a single message to event listeners within your extension or a different extension.
If sending to your extension, omit the extensionId argument. The runtime.onMessage event will be fired in each page in your extension, except for the frame that called runtime.sendMessage .
Now that we got the main question answered in previous messages, I want to answer this separately. Even though it’s not needed for this use case of yours, it might be needed in the future.
A string representing the add-on ID. If the extension specifies an ID in its browser_specific_settings manifest.json key, contains that value. Otherwise, contains the ID that was generated for the extension.
Thanks guys for the answers. I actually looked at the documentation you linked not long before making this post. But I did not take in the information properly. I’m working on my first extension and taking in a lot of information at once.
I really appreciate the help with my basic questions.