Nobody seems to have a clear idea on how we can approve a procedure as a group. I have several procedures drawn up ready to go through some form of approval, but we don’t have a procedure to approve procedures
The answer right now is “we have to agree as a group” which is a crazy way to approve things.
Who is the group? Where do we quantitatively record decisions and draw consensus. At scale, this qualitative decision making with subjective processes is going to fail, hard.
I’d propose we do it in a similar way to reps council voting. Identify a core team for different categories of decisions and create a voting sheet on confluence, using jira issues to track proposals, then voting on the confluence sheet.
I agree with Tad on this. I’ve been following requests conversations and especially on email addresses where there’s no defined point of contact or someone to solely run these approvals.
I believe having a team dedicated to this would go a long way in solving the issues concerning approval and also setting up SOP’s for the same.
Would also work as a good accountability structure.
I agree with you but looking at it from a long-term perspective, it will be worth it to go through the rough patch to set up approval right now than later.
Will go through them once you can post. Nice lunch
It makes sense that @mrz and @majken act as module owners and make decisions until we have a formal module completed. In the case of a tie (there should be very few, if any), the core team can vote and have the final decision
I agree except for the voting. We’re all smart people we should be able to
all get behind an idea. Voting takes away the incentive to form consensus
and solve the flaws in a proposal, or to even properly weigh the risks of
those flaws.