I would like to open a popup (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Popups) that includes a list and an input field which could filter this list.
What I can’t get to work is, that I want the user to be able to immediately type something into this input field. I want the popup to get the focus, but I seem to only get it when I click in it.
Anyone has an idea how to achieve this or is it not possible?
There is an issue with focus when moving between tabs and popus (browser, page, sidebar).
At the moment it is possible to change the active tab from/to popups but not the focus.
I spent a lot of time on trying to change the focus from sidebar to the tab. Although the text was highlighted but it wouldn’t show since the tab although active didn’t get a focus. Clicking on another tab and back to the target tab showed the selected text.
I suspect it is the same situation from Tab to the popup.