Hi, I am working on a project - flipbook using html5 or any other programming languages. Grateful if you could help with offline apps or codes to create flipbooks on a large scale. Suggestions are most welcome.
ps: Sorry if I sending this msg on the wrong place!
Thank you very much indeed for your prompt help. I have gone through the website, but need an app or codes to do it offline as I need to embed the flipbook in another web-based application. Just to give you an idea about what I am looking for…i have to create collections flipbooks with more than 1000 pages…
you very welcome
could i ask which language you use for your web application so i search for a code that work for it in case if i did not find html css js one
I am using Greenstone (www.greenstone.org) for the creation of digital libraries which accept many application through plugins…any suggestions would a trial…if there is a pdf app that can do this would be great…