How to create a flipbook using html5

Hi, I am working on a project - flipbook using html5 or any other programming languages. Grateful if you could help with offline apps or codes to create flipbooks on a large scale. Suggestions are most welcome.



ps: Sorry if I sending this msg on the wrong place!

Hello @spillai10

not sure if that help or not

there are many website that offer tools to help you make that (google could help searching for that ) unless if you need to build it from scratch

hope that help and have a nice day

Hi @justsomeone

Thank you very much indeed for your prompt help. I have gone through the website, but need an app or codes to do it offline as I need to embed the flipbook in another web-based application. Just to give you an idea about what I am looking for…i have to create collections flipbooks with more than 1000 pages…


Yumpu is very helpful…if there an app to do that offline would great!

Thanks again

you very welcome
could i ask which language you use for your web application so i search for a code that work for it in case if i did not find html css js one

and you welcome :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot

I am using Greenstone ( for the creation of digital libraries which accept many application through plugins…any suggestions would a trial…if there is a pdf app that can do this would be great…

Thanks a lot anyways

you very welcome

not sure if that would help or not

try also to search in github maybe someone share a code there

hope it help and good luck with your project and if you make million of $ from it i do not mind to get chocolate :joy:

and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Hello @justsomeone,

Thank you very much indeed for your kind help! nd your address to post the chocolate :wink:


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you very welcome @spillai10


thanks a lot for your nice words and the chocolate

let us see the final result of your project when you finish it
and good luck and have fun
have nice day

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