I want to create a .aar file to import into unity project, to test run deepspeech.
How can I do that?
So you want to build a small Android app that can recognize voice within unity? You would have to build the app yourself using the hooks provided in the source code on this site. If it works, it would be great if you could post how you did it.
Why don’t you just use the AAR we publish?
It’s documented we publish it to JCenter repository, which is included by default for a long time on Android projects: Service End for Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter | JFrog
It is also visible on https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech-examples/blob/r0.8/android_mic_streaming/app/build.gradle#L37
@othiele, @lissyx : thanks for yours support.
I want to use deepspeech in my unity project. I have searched it but nobody seems to use it with unity. Can you guide me to do this.
Before that I also learned about android project
which @lissyx recommend. it’s native android so I don’t understand much.
No, we dont know anything about unity
Sorry, DeepSpeeach provides you with all the means to use it, but how you implement your solution is up to you. Again, if you find a way to do that, please share with us so others can learn from your insights.
Here is a project which uses DeepSpeech with Unity: