Hi reviewers,
Our Add-on upgrade is in review process since several months now. We received some feedbacks and perform the requested changes, we are now waiting for a new review. Time seems long to us but we understand how review works and his interest.
However, since Firefox 53 a new issue appears with our current addon and we must provide a fix quickly as it is a blocking point for our users (very annoying behavior in the address bar).
We provide an emergency upgrade that include the fix and previous requested changes. But this upgrade is still in the queue for review (230/288) …
Our users are complaining (for good reasons) and we can’t do anything. That is a very problematic situation for us.
Is there any process to deal with this kind of situation?
Thanks for any help,
It depends on the code. If it is a minor change, then it can be done quickly. Some fixes on some addons requires many many hours of reviewing due to huge amount of code involved.
So it all depends.
Which addon is it anyway?
Hi Erosman
Thanks for your reply.
The addon is Lilo (https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/lilo/) and the bug is the address in the new tab page isn’t any longer selected by default so the user can’t change it quickly and should select if first.
I don’t really know how reviewers are working, but our developer try to help them by explaining the changes performed to solve this bug and the modifications done since last review with corresponding lines numbers in an email. Unfortunately, he didn’t receive any answer yet.
From my point of view (but maybe I’m wrong) a simple diff should be enough. Modifications are localized and there is no need the review again all unchanged code.
I fully understand that reviewing full sources take much longer time, and this is the reason I was asking if there is a special process for this kind of fix instead of a full review who can take months. I’m afraid our addon is in queue for another full review
You can try on IRC #addon-reveiwers