How to generate update manifest for self-published extension?

Hello everyone,

I’m working on an extension that will be self-published. I’m using the following command to sign and generate the .xpi file:

web-ext sign --channel unlisted 

For self-published extensions, I understand that there should be a way for me to generate an “update manifest” that I will have to publish in a URL specified inside my extension’s manifest.json, under applications.gecko.update_url, in order for Firefox to know when there’s an update to the extension.

However, simply specifying an update_url did not force the signing tool to also generate a corresponding .json in the artifacts directory.

What am I doing wrong? Did I misunderstand how the “update manifest” is supposed to work? What should I be doing instead? Thanks.

I don’t know if web-ext is supposed to generate that manifest for you, but you can find documentation about it on this page.