I have uploaded an extension for Firefox but when I go to the extension page it says that the extension is not available for my platform. I am using Mozilla Firefox Snap for Ubuntu (v125.0.2). I have tried tinkering with “applications” in the manifest - first the property was not included in the manifest at all, then I added applications.gecko.strict_min_version=68.0 and strict_max_version=125.* but neither worked.
Here is the page for my extension:
Can anybody give any hint what needs to be done to make Firefox on Ubuntu see this extension?
Don’t use strict_max_version
, only set strict_min_version
and only use version that you have tested, for example Firefox ESR 128 is the latest supported version.
Regarding the “extension is not available for my platform” message - this applies only to Desktop VS Android platform, and it usually means that the page you’ve visited has a platform specific URL, so it’s meant to be displayed on that platform.
For example:
// this one points to "Android" platform
// this one to "Desktop"
So if you open the link with a wrong platform, you’ll get this:
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