Hi, I’m a junior developer and I’ve been reading the documentation on how to create extensions.
I am now able to add a menu item to the context menu and once it is clicked, some CSS is adjusted using
browser.tabs.insertCSS({code: css});
This way I am able to change the look and feel of every occurence of a certain html element.
However, can somebody please tell me what I should do to change the CSS of the element that I right clicked upon to have the CSS apply only to that particular element?
At the moment, there isn’t a WebEXtension API to get the clicked element. There is a hack which is injecting a content script into every page to record the clicked element.
Add it to manifest.json to be injected into every page
Put the above code in it
Then from background script
let code =
browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => {
if (info.menuItemId === 'make-input-invisible') {
broswer.tabs.executeScript({code}).then(onExecuted, onError);
// onExecuted, onError : whatever you need to do with the result