I have a content script that injects a grid of icons in the active tab. When a user clicks on an icon, I would like the sidebar to open.
I am aware that browser.sidebarAction.open(); can only be triggered by user actions. User actions include the following:
- Clicking the extension’s browser action or page action.
- Selecting a context menu item defined by the extension.
- Activating a keyboard shortcut defined by the extension (this only treated as a user action from Firefox 63 onwards).
- Clicking a button in a page bundled with the extension.
I tried the following code in the content script, but it looks like this API is not available to content scripts:
async function onGridClick(e) {
const result = await browser.storage.sync.get(null);
if (result.options === 'openSidebar' {
if (logToConsole) console.log('Grid icon got clicked:' + e.type);
const id = e.target.id;
if (logToConsole) console.log('Search engine clicked:' + id);
if (sameTab) {
let nav = document.getElementById('icon-grid');
nav.style.display = 'none';
nav.removeEventListener('click', onGridClick);
nav.removeEventListener('mouseleave', onLeave);
nav = null;
const selection = window.getSelection();
sendMessage('doSearch', { id: id });