How to prevent the options page from being draggable?


For some reason, the options page for WebExtensions is draggable in Firefox. I tested it in Firefox stable (130.0.1) and developer edition (131.0b9). I think in most cases this isn’t a problem, but in my case, it’s tricky because I use input elements of type “range” on my options page. The behavior is buggy: when you try to drag the slider, you’re actually dragging the whole page most of the time, which is really annoying!

What can I do to prevent this? Or is this simply a bug?

I’ve also noticed this behavior in uBlock Lite (which is no longer available?) and Return YouTube Dislike !

Heres is a pictur of what i mean:

And here’s a more visible example:

This bug was recently created:

If that bug is fixed, it will probably fix your issue also…

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Ahh Thanks! We will see.