How to Remove a Device from the Dashboard?

Adding a device is very easy with the big + on the bottom-right of the dashboard. I’m using release 0.3.0.

Now, how to remove a device from the dashboard?

Thank you!

Right click on desktop, long press on mobile. Press remove :slight_smile:

Right-click on the device did the trick. Thank you!

Right-click on the desktop calls the contextual menu of the browser.

Wouldn’t a big - sign provide a better experience?

Perhaps, but it would also clutter the UI. What would happen when you press the “-” button?

There is a balance to be reached between visual simplicity and discoverability.

One thing we could do is add a “…” menu to the Thing Detail view, and provide a remove option there. We also need to figure out where to put an “unpair” feature, which for some protocols is different than simply “removing” the device from the gateway database.

I known designing a great UI is a difficult task, especially when ensuring consistency across all the pages.

  • Option 1

The (-) would display a (x) on top of each device.

Clicking on the (x) would remove the device.

  • Option 2

Provide a single page for help with the right-click or long touch to remove a device

  • Option 3

Provide an initial tour of features as Firefox does for the features of the browser.