Should those be merged (with attention to the “content categories” links used in almost every HTML article pages)? Is there another angle one might want to cover in this article ([1]) which couldn’t be adressed in [2]?
Yeah, those should be merged. I looked and looked and couldn’t find anything about content categories for some reason, which is weird since there it is. So I wrote a new page about it. Do you want to merge them or shall I? For all I know, mine can just be removed outright, although I like to think there’s stuff in there worth saving. But I haven’t read this other page yet. I’m looking it over now.
Thanks during the week I’ll do the merging by transfering the content from the new article to the “old” one while conserving the headings/anchors that are used.
Best of both worlds, I’d say.
@sheppy I’ll let you know when this will be done so that we can remove the article without any content loss
This has been done, there shouldn’t be much left to transfer to the pre-existing page.
I think we can delete/redirect “Kinds_of_HTML_content”, let me know what you prefer