Write a function called capitalize that takes a string and returns that string with only the first letter capitalized. Make sure that it can take strings that are lowercase, UPPERCASE or BoTh.
function capitalize(text=' ') {
let captial= text.toUpperCase();
let capletter=text.slice(0);
let lowcase=capital.toLowerCase();
in your code you should use variable / paramater in the function header
this line slice the text from index 0 till the end not just the first letter
let capletter=text.slice(0);
this line make lowcase = the whole text in lower case not the rest of the text
let lowcase=capital.toLowerCase();
this will print the whole text in capital then lowercase
check the following code
function capitalize(text) {
let firstletter = text.slice(0,1);
let textlower = text.toLowerCase();
let final = textlower.replace(firstletter,text.slice(0,1).toUpperCase());
I know its no biggie, but I managed to even figure out how to fix my original code
function capitalize(text) {
let capital= text.toUpperCase();
let capletter=capital.slice(0,1);
let lowcase=capital.toLowerCase();
let missingcap= lowcase.slice(1);