iCloud bookmarks add-on

Hello All,
I recently had to do two full sytem restores on my PC. Whilst downloading iCloud for Windows, the program could not find the add-on that works with Firefox. I have tried searching in the add-on section but I can’t find it. I have even googled it, but I can’t find any information on what has happened to it or if it’s been removed. It was there last week because I definitely downloaded it after doing the first full system restore. It’s seemed to have just vanished in the space of a week.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

The add-on was disabled on AMO because it’s been causing a great deal of crashes in Firefox.

Oh I see. Thank you for your reply.

Please restore the icloud bookmark extension!

Perhaps you could do so with a warning that it needs to be installed at user risk and may cause crashes. Frankly, I never had any crashes and really miss syncing my iDevices with Firefox on Windows.

Even more confusing, when I followed a link it showed that the extension issue had been resolved. So, I hope that it can be fixed or re-offered with an appropriate warning.

Thank you.

PLEASE restore the icloud bookmark extension! I want the extension for testing. I can appreciate trying to slow down calls, but to block an extension completely is, frankly, a tad Orwellian. Put up a sign that users must acknowledge reading and understand the implications of continuing prior to downloading the extension. The problems don’t occur with every user or every configuration. You even have the block statement incorrectly malfunctioning on OS X, when in fact the extension is expressly written for windows. Mozilla’s user base grew because we helped each other out, especially in the beginning. (Yes, I’ve been around since Netscape).
If you are still unable to clear the block, would you at least make the extension available to those that request it? (I hereby request said extension).
Thank you for your time,
Keith Burt
“With Narcolepsy, my life is but a dream!”