Import a .json file to be used in content script

Hello there :slight_smile:

Since the switch from add-on to web extension i’m getting a bit lost, I can’t find a way to simply import a local .json file in my content script.
All I managed to do so far is to get the URL with `

var URL = browser.extension.getURL(“data/debrideurs.json”)

` but I just can’t find a way to use what is inside. This is probably a very simple thingto do, thank you for your time :slight_smile:

Nevermind, I’m probably too tired to code today x) It was only me, who forgot to write the subfolder where my jquery.js was… Time to go to sleep aha !

There are at least three different approaches to this:

  1. Put your JSON object in the from a background sscript and read it in the content script.
  2. Read any resource (including a JSON string) as a Blob in the beckground script and bessage it’s URL to the content:
/// in a background script with full access
const blob = await (await fetch(pathInPackage)).blob();
const tmpUri = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

/// in the restricted content script
const tmpUri = ; // get string from background via messaging
const json = await (await fetch(tmpUri)).json();
  1. Add the file to the web_accessible_resources. I’d always strictly avoid this, as it potentially allows every website to read the file as well.
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Thank you :slight_smile: oh ok well i’m gonne change this

I have another question :slight_smile:
I used the method, wich work perfectly with json already in the code. But I would like to download it via a URL of this type “
I tried using in my background script :

var url = “
$.getJSON(url, function (json) {

the jquery script is called before the background script.
I don’t get any message from this line, any idea why ? :slight_smile:
Thank you

I don’t understand your problem.

I can tell you though that

  • you don’t need jQuery to fetch JSON. await (await fetch(url)).json() works just fine.
  • an URL should start with a scheme (e.g. https://).