Important Announcement: ⚠️ Decommissioning of the Mozilla Reps Program ⚠️

It may be good to end the Reps program but I can’t find a plan that Mozilla will support and reconnect with local Mozilla communities that are still active and happy to represent Mozilla. Like a Python user group, should the local community still use Mozilla or Moz- something to continue their contribution? This is why I am curious and thinking about what actions I should take after this decision.

Another question that was raised after I read this announcement is, what did Reps lastly elected to Reps Council do [1] ? It seems that they are very quiet but IMO they are representing all Reps around the world. Did they alert the Reps community ? Did they try to help Reps esp. local Mozilla communities to find the way out after they know the program going to the end ? And what is the purpose, Results, (discussions?), actions of latest Reps survey taken this year [2] ? So I got some questions in my mind after I read this announcement.

[1] [IMPORTANT] ⚠️ Council Elections ⚠️ H2 2022 - please read ⚠️
[2] Reps Surveys 2023