Inference hangs when running code in a Process

I wanted to try how inference work when I run it in a process. My goal is to split a big file into chunks and then run inference for chunks in different processes. When I started testing it I mentioned that model inference hangs when running code in process. I modified to reproduce issue. First I’m checking that model can run inference and then run code in process:

print(ds.stt(audio, fs))
print('Running inference.', file=sys.stderr)
inference_start = timer()

from multiprocessing import Process

def func(model, audio, fs, res):
    res.append(model.stt(audio, fs))

res = []
p = Process(target=func, args=(ds, audio, fs, res,))
inference_end = timer() - inference_start
print('Inference took %0.3fs for %0.3fs audio file.' % (inference_end, audio_length), file=sys.stderr)

I’m using version 0.3.0. Would be great if you can explain this behavior.

This is some code that we do run without any issue, so it’d be great if you could document more on your context: audio files / amount of data, what do you mean by “hangs”, etc.

Thanks for reply. Here is full gist of main function of native_client/python/ file and console output:

model.stt(…) method doesn’t return anything, it’s stuck.

Sharing model accross process, I’m not so sure what could happen. Also, you need to document how much data you have to process …

I might misunderstood you.
I wanted to run on librispeech test clean and see how it behaves when model is shared between process. Idea is to run inference on many process in the backend.

Yeah, but sharing memory between process will not work like when shared between threads.

Agree with you. Thanks for help!
Do you think there will be any problems if I share model between threads?

Nope, this is something we do with success, so as long as your locking scheme is okay, it should work well. Yet, threads in Python can be tricky, sometimes :).

But we’ve got success with them with at least Rust and Java codebases.