The problem is insertCSS doesn’t seem to take !important into account. At least some animation are still playing because it seem the website CSS can overwrite the CSS I’m injecting.
Is their a better approach to inject CSS? I like insertCSS because you can remove the CSS easely without reloading with browser.tabs.removeCSS. It’s also works from background.js.
Yeah, one could do that. But while there are good use cases for MutationObservers and they are supposedly much faster than DOM mutation events, they, and the logic they fire, are still performance burdens.
I think in this case, CSS is all you need. And the above CSS itself looks fine to me. If applied to a document, it should prevent all CSS animations/transitions. But:
It is currently not properly applied to all document.
It won’t prevent manual JavaScript powered “animations”, where a script simply changes the CSS every frame. I don’t think there even is a way to get rid of these.
Animated GIFs, videos and the like will also still play.
I was ignoring iframe on purpose until the addon is stable. But now I’m going to inject in iframe too (it’s one argument change in insertCSS).
I will change to browser.webNavigation.onCommitted but was is the difference with browser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener ? I read the doc but don’t really understand what it will change in my case. I opened the issue to not forget…
onCommitted will fire for all frames in a tab and also fire only once per load as early as it is possible to use insertCSS on that frame. tabs.onUpdated pretty much fires whenever a property on a tabs.Tab property would change (url, title, loading, …) and is not what you want here. It doesn’t handle frames and will fire more than once per tab load.