Install pontoon on own server in Docker

Hi there,

I am planning to use Pontoon on my project for localization. I was wondering if I can install Pontoon on my own development server. I can’t find any documentation online how I can deploy Pontoon on my own server in Docker.

The only thing I can find is how I can deploy it on Heroku and how I start a development server.

I would be happy to hear from you!



Hey joluk,

Thanks to docker-compose you should be able to create a development Docker image and be able to deploy it on any Docker-friendly solution like e.g. Docker swarm, K8s, AWS EKS, AWS ECS, etc.

The important thing that I need to mention: it’s not recommended to deploy the development version of Pontoon as a production-ready instance because of e.g. security and performance reasons.

Something that might interest you is an old pull request from Dane Hammer:

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Hey joteswork,

thank you for your reply.
A development version in a production environment is not my favourite thing todo…

I think it’s easier for us to move to another solution like Weblate. We are missing some functions there that Pontoon has but we can easy deploy it into production.

Thanks for your further information!

We use docker mostly for testing right now.

There’s filed about a production-focused docker image.

There’s also been a question on irc,

So there seems to be a group of folks that are interested in this.

Given Mozilla doesn’t run docker in production, it might be a good idea for the community to build out a docker image that works for your use-cases. It might not be far away from the image we have either.